Expand horizons &

Unleash the Spirit of Adventure

Embark on a film journey with us

Adventure and Outdoor Films

Capture the exhilaration of outdoor sports and exploration with our adventure films. Partner with local athletes, influencers, or sports brands to showcase your products in action, set against breathtaking landscapes and thrilling experiences.

Travel and Cultural Films

Immerse your audience in the rich tapestry of global cultures, traditions, and landscapes. Our travel and cultural films offer a window into diverse worlds, inspiring curiosity and fostering connection.

Production Packages
Cinematographer + Reel
6K RED Cinema Camera
4x Leica Summicron 19, 35, 50, 90mm
5K Drone
Audio Kit: Lapel & Shotgun Mic
60" Hype Reel
Short Branded Documentary
Camera Assistant
Pre-Production + Producer
6K RED Cinema Camera
Delivrable: 2-3min brand doco
Season Campaign
Production Crew
Grip / Gaffer + Lighting Van
6K RED Cinema Cameras
+ Gaffer
Post Production Project Coordinator
1x 2-3min - Brand Story
6x 30” 16:9 - Hype Reels
13x 15” Square - Micro Content
22x 6” Vertical - Micro Content

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